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There’s nothing simple about hearing solutions. They all require expert fitting and ongoing maintenance to ensure they keep delivering the results recipients want. Implantable hearing solutions demand an even greater level of expertise and support.

Cape Hearing implants (CHi) was established to provide a one-stop, multi-disciplinary service to individuals with hearing loss, particularly those who are considering, or already have, an implantable hearing solution. All patients benefit from the services of the CHi’s  multi-disciplinary team of highly-trained professionals which includes audiologists; ear-, nose- and throat specialists (ENTs) with further specialisation in hearing implants; speech and language therapists; psychologists; and a mould and hearing aid technician.

Together, these professionals provide an essential range of services that ensure that every one of CHi’s patients receives the best possible outcome from their hearing solution.

Team members of CHi are involved in monthly meetings to discuss patients with hearing loss, considered for implantable hearing solutions. This to ensure quality of care by combining knowledge; skills and expertise in a multi-disciplinary environment to ensure objective evaluation of implant candidacy and patient expectation.

Patients history, audiological assessment and radiological evaluation is discussed and suggestions are made regarding the best possible hearing outcomes for patients. In some cases, CHi offers additional support to patients who require assistance with the ongoing costs involved with the maintenance relating to Implantable hearing devises.  CHi is dedicated to raise charitable funds by means of donations to support patients in need.  Funds are allocated based on individual needs as well as taking the donors wishes into consideration.

Click on the links below for full details of the services provided by the CHi multidisciplinary team.

Benefiting from an implantable hearing device is always a complex process. There is no one-size-fits-all solution; there are different types of devices available; implantable devices require expert, specialised fitting and maintenance; and – most importantly of all – implantable devices are not always the answer for all individuals with hearing loss.

It is therefore essential that anyone considering utilising an implantable hearing solution seek the advice and support of a multi-disciplinary team of highly trained specialists who have the knowledge and expertise to determine whether an implantable solution will be beneficial; and then can provide the ongoing support necessary to ensure that every investment in this sophisticated technology will deliver the best possible outcome in the short-, medium- and long-term.

The Cape Hearing Implant (CHi) team can do just that.

Our Services


Before we can go ahead with the surgery to implant a hearing device, you will have to undergo a series of tests to ensure that you are a suitable candidate for this procedure. In other words, we have to be sure that at the end of the day, you will derive real benefit from what is essentially an invasive, complex and expensive procedure.

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Every patient who would like to get an opinion regarding eligibility for an implantable hearing solution or who qualifies for the procedure will be seen by one of the CHi’s ENT surgeons. During this consultation, the surgeon will ask about your medical history, particularly with regards to your hearing loss.

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When you undergo your cochlear implant or auditory brainstem implant (ABI) surgery, a CHi audiologist will also be in the theatre to conduct what’s known as “intra-operative monitoring”. This means that the audiologist will use a variety of sophisticated hardware and software tools to ensure that the implanted device (electrode array) is working property, and that it is placed in the optimal position to deliver the best possible result.

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Following implantation and switch-on, you will see a speech and language therapist for auditory- verbal therapy. Auditory-verbal therapy is essential for everyone who has received an implantable device. It does not matter whether they are still pre-lingual (i.e. a child who has not yet developed the ability to speak due to their hearing loss) or post-lingual (i.e. someone who has already learned to speak, but whose verbal communication skills are impaired by their hearing loss)

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Tinnitus is the perception or sensation of a sound in either one or both ears. A clear identifiable cause is usually absent. The nature of the sound may vary: it could be perceived as a hissing, whistling, ringing, clicking, humming or buzzing sound. It may be pulsating and follow the heart beat (pulsating tinnitus). It is usually noticed by the patient only (subjective tinnitus) but in some instances bystanders, listening closely, may also hear it (objective tinnitus).

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The CHi multidisciplinary team provides vestibular support to patients with vestibular problems such as dizziness, vertigo and disequilibrium. Vestibular problems may present before or after implantation. It is important to remember that these problems can be managed very effectively.

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In order to give patients who use hearing aids the best and most convenient service, CHi offers an on-site, walk-in hearing aid service. Our highly experienced mould and hearing aid technician understands just how important a properly functioning hearing aid is to those with hearing loss, and goes the extra mile to service or repair these devices as quickly and efficiently as possible.

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CHi insists on fast and effective technical and back-up support of all implantable hearing solutions. The reason is simple: with cochlear implants in particular, technical support during surgery is vital to ensure you get the best possible outcome from the procedure.

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